Coins in the British Lunar Series, also known as the Shengxiao Collection, celebrate the 12-year cycle of the Chinese Lunar Calendar. Commonly referred to as the Zodiac, this system assigns an animal and its typical character traits to the birth years of individuals.
The Year of the Rooster covers those born in 2017 and backwards for every 12th year. Those born under its sign are said to be loyal, trustworthy, conscientious, and sociable. This is the fourth overall release in the British Lunar Series of silver bullion and proof coins.
On the reverse of each 2017 1 oz British Silver Rooster Coin is the image of the rooster. Created specifically for this coin by Wuon-Gean Ho, this is different than the image used on the Royal Mints British Gold Rooster coins, lending further value to the design and individual products.
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